About us
Struggling to find trusted doctors nearby?
We connect you with certified healthcare professionals in your area or online – hassle-free!
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Quickly fill up this form so that we can serve you better.
Your Name
Your Phone Number
Your Email
What is your most common concern about healthcare?
Difficulty finding specialists
Long waiting times
Unclear pricing
Lack of communication from providers
Other (please specify)
How would you like it, if a doctor visits you at the comfort of your home?
Yes, Definitely
Very well
I don’t think so
Not likely
How important is technology in improving your healthcare experience?
Very Important
Less Important
Not Important
Which of the following technology features would you need help with?
Appointment booking and auto reminders
E-health records / prescription
Booking and payments
Telemedicine & remote health monitoring
How do you usually book appointments with doctors?
Phone call
Through referrals
Would you prefer virtual consultations over in-person visits?
How important is price transparency when booking a doctor?
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Important
What would make your healthcare experience more convenient?